We are only able to provide this unique camp experience because of kind folks like you who share their skills, talents, passions, interests, knowledge, wisdom, and care.  If you'd like to be a part of what makes SPP work, please fill out the following form and you will be contacted by a planning team member "shortly" ("shortly" for SPP is defined as "within a few weeks during the summer and fall, within a few weeks in the winter, and within days during the spring" according to volunteer team capacity).

"Shortly" after submitting the following form, a cheerful planning team member will provide information about the retreat, conduct an interview (between 30-60ish or more minutes) to determine fit with our organization and needs, and be asked if you would feel comfortable completing a background check.  For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Thank you so much for your interest in SPP!.

PLEASE NOTE: KJ will reach out to you within two weeks of your application. We’ve had some glitches in our system in the past six months, so if you do not hear from us, please confirm with KJ at kj@spiritualprideproject.org.